Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Light . . . To See or To Clearly Know Where to Go?

“That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day” (D&C 50:23–24).

I heard a talk a couple of weeks ago specifically on the Light of Christ. As the talk was given and the figurative Light of Christ was explained, I latched onto a concept that I really liked. Light is what helps us to see where we need to go. The Light of Christ also helps us to see where we need to go. The Light of Christ helps us to know of the things that we must do to have happiness and to know how to make the choices that will most benefit our lives.

As I reflected on this I wondered if the Light of Christ could somehow illuminate our path even better than the light from our Sun. This made me remember the details that my aunt Rachel shared with me . . .

Rachel and her 12 year old daughter were hiking up Pine Mountain, a beautiful mountain range with a variety of trees and foliage. As you reach the final summit there is an amazing panoramic view that shows off most of Central Arizona. My aunt had hiked in the early winter and had made her plans around her husbands Boy Scout outing so she could make the travel with him and then she continued on with her daughter to the trailhead.

My Aunt reached the top and was coming back down when it started snowing. The trail covered with snow skewed their vision. Even with plenty of light out, the way to go was no longer clear. She back tracked over a few places; as she continued to re-evaluate her choices she soon was out of day light and the temperature was dropping. With no emergency kit and no daylight, her path was no longer clear and her return that day looked questionable. Realizing her predicament, she and her daughter prayed to know how to return to the trailhead. Still with much difficulty but with guidance of the spirit they made it to the trail head. They later learned the route they took was the most direct route possible. There she found her husband and authorities preparing to do a search for them.

Many times in our life we feel we are surrounded by light that seems to make our paths clear, yet a simple blanket of snow is all it takes to set us askew. If we don’t rely upon the Light of Christ then we can be lost in pure daylight. Many of our struggles don’t exist in only the physical realm. The Light of Christ teaches us to have goals, to have standards, to constantly improve and to recognize our errors and improve upon them. We have those who are called to provide direction to us in case our vision is momentarily too impaired to see this spiritual light clearly.

I’m grateful for all light in my life. I know we are here on this Earth to be happy and following God’s law is the key to having long term happiness. I am blessed as I follow these laws and spiritual light is given to me as I hike along my spiritual path in life. I know that at times my path will be unclear, it is these times that I must ask for and rely upon the spiritual light I need to return to my Heavenly Father.

Andrew "doesn't like getting lost" Brown

1 comment:

Natalie Braithwaite said...

I just had a lesson in church about recognizing and following the spirit and the teacher said something I thought was cool and I thought of it when I read your post. I probably can't say this right but it's something to this effect. If you have the light of Christ you then have the Holy Ghost and if we learn to recognize and listen to the Spirit so that someday we'll know what to do even without the ability to see and hear.