Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bradley - has earned his Eagle

It's been almost a month but Bradley has earned his Eagle Rank.  We will let folks know when he will have his Eagle Court of Honor.  For his Eagle Board, he had been pushed back a bit to allow older boys who were about to turn 18 and finally had his chance in September.  He felt like he had a great board that he felt quite prepared for.  I'm grateful for the opportunities that BSA provides as it prepares young men to do service, projects, and get exposed to a host of survival, first aid, and other life skills and carreers.  Congratulations on your journey Bradley and for arriving at this point of completing your Eagle Project and passing your Eagle Board.

Andrew "proud of my son" Brown

1 comment:

Arix Antix said...

Please tell Bradley that I am really proud of him. Thanks for sharing this.