Thursday, April 19, 2012

OMG - Guess who got his DTG

Oh my goodness, Chase has finally finished his Duty to God requirements. Since the new Duty to God Program has been introduced, Chase was a bit cloudy on what he needed to do since he had earned the Deacon and Teacher certificates for Duty to God under the old program.

Well he buckled down with his Young Men's leader and his mom to get it all figured out. He had a big push the last 3 weeks before he turned 18 and was interviewed by his YMs President and then his Bishop.

Last Sunday he was awarded in Priesthood (this award is not to be given in Sacrament meeting, though it is equivalent to the Young Woman's Personal Progress which can be awarded in Sacrament meeting) without his mom present and I had just arrived from another ward in time to watch the Bishop award this to Chase.

The Bishop mentioned that Chase was the first one to earn this award in our Ward since the new program began. The medal/coin is pretty cool . . . but not as cool as the spiritual awards I'm glad my son now has from going through the steps of earning it. Congrats Chase!

Andrew "Guess who's son is giving a talk this Sunday on earning his DTG" Brown

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