Friday, August 1, 2008

Ohhh, you're offering CASH . . .

I recently sold 2 of my vehicles and I stumbled upon this certain oddity. People think that by telling you something, anything about buying with "cash" that all reason will fly out the door and I'll have to succumb to what ever they offer. I had a truck that people were looking at and I told them I was asking $1,500 (I loved the truck but it was a "piece" in every sense of the word). They come back and say "I'll pay you $600 . . . "cash" right now". Oh, you're offering "cash"? I was just hoping to get some chickens out of this deal . . . hadn't even considered the possibility of getting "cash". Maybe you could throw a bushel of green beans in there and we have a deal!

What are they thinking that I was going to put them on a fast track to finance them with my own private bank? That I was going to carry them? That I would accept payment in some bartering system of whatever line of work the purchasing party was involved with?

"Cash" is not a surprise item for me when I sell something. Not getting "cash" would be the surprising element. So, for any of you that read this, can you give me a nice snappy come back for future use. Thanks,

Andrew "Accepts Cash" Brown


Jarret M. Sharp, Ed. D. said...

Do you take bean sprouts?

Brittney said...

So we were blurking from the parks and found you. Your cash post made me laugh out loud, a lot. So much Andy had to come read it.
You are quite the writer.

Bethany said...

Looks like you could come up with your own snappy come back...

Nice to see you actually added a second posting to your blog!

Joe said...

comeback: "OK, that gets you the drivers seat... and the left rear tire."

Chase Brown said...

Haha very nice :D
I had a good lagh at that one!

Chase Brown said...
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